12 miles from Silver ton is Animas Forks at one points the town contained 30 cabins, a hotel, a general store, a saloon, and a post office. By 1883 450 people lived in Animas Forks. Today it is a "ghost town"
We drive to Animas Forks every time we are in the area. We have been driving this road for years. The last time we drove up there they had added this sign. We have always driven our vans up the road and we did again this year ;)
This house was built in 1906-1907 and was the home of Charles and Alma Ingo Gustavrson, They had 4 children: Helen, who was born in Sliverton, Carl, who was born in a tent near this house in October 1906. He was 4 lbs but survived his first winter, Oscar(1909) and Irene(1912) both born in Silverton. The family lived in this home year round including the long hard winters. Alma would open the window and scoop snow into a pan to melt for the family's water
The view from the Gustavrson house.
inside one of the other houses.
Our Family
The Animas Forks mine
Wouldn't you just love to have these windows with the view of the mountains
Mom and Dad
A fellow Tebow fan at Animas Forks
The Red mountains are a part of the San Juan Mountain Range. The mountains get their name from the reddish iron ore rocks that cover the surface.
Rain, Rain wonderful Rain!
We camped at Angel Peak State Park in New Mexico. These Rocks were our view from our camping site. We were super far out in the middle of nowhere.
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