Dressing up
At Invesco Field
Daniel and Matthew goofing off.
Us down on the field
If you sit is these seats you are required to wear orange or white so the bronco still shows.
This is the stall where the broncos Mascot "Thunder" stays during the games when he is not on the field.
The Tour guide pointed out "The officials are so blind that they have to have Braille to make sure they are going in the right locker room"(see right hand corner of sign)
This is the flooring in the visitors locker room. It is made to where it can make you disoriented when you stare at it.
When the Visiting team leaves their locker room the first thing they are reminded of is how fare above sea level they are.
The Bronco in the middle of the fire place flames orange when the fire is lit.
The Field
Katherine in seats that are more expensive than you can imagine. $18,000 per seat per season(but you have to buy at least 2 seats) but don't worry the food is included!
A picture of the broncos locker room
One of the media rooms
Over looking the field
below is the entrance to the stadium
The view from the 3rd floor of the stadium
inside the Elite Club. During games you sill find former player here along with past and present governor, actors etc.
As soon as we left the stadium we hightailed it to Boulder home of the "Celestial Seasonings" We took a tour of the factory and afterwards they let us drink as many samples of tea as we wanted.
Here is me taking a nap with the Sleepy-time bear.
When we were driving thru Boulder we found Waldo! Do you see him?
After a VERY busy day we were greeted with a rainbow on our way to our campsite.
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