This is the dorms that the athletes stay in when they are staying on site. You can stay up to 6 years except Apollo Ohno stretched it out and stayed 7 years.
This is the dining hall. There food had beat out 5-star hotels in there food quality. Plus it is all served buffet style with the calories listed next to the food.
This is one of the pools that Michael Phelps trains in
An future Olympian
This is the weight lifting room
This is the shooting range
This is the gymnastics gym
This is the wrestling dummies that they use.
When we left the Olympic Training facility we headed over to Focus on the Family to Whit's End based on the Adventures in Odyssey series.
While we were there we recorded an episode of Adventure in Odyssey to take home with us. Elizabeth and I did the speaking parts and Daniel and Matthew were "Foley" which is what the sound/special effects crew is called. When we were finished the lady said that we were really good. I think that they don't have many 23 and 24 year old come into record!
Daniel with the plane from "The Last Chance Detectives"
Going inside the Wardrobe
Inside The Wardrobe in Narnia
Coming out of "A-bend-a-go" the 3 story tall slide.
Inside the mock underground railroad
Matthew as Mr. Whit
Matthew gets to ride in the Imagination Station
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